Ready Mix Producer Support

Ready Mix Producer Support

We share with you, simple but critical guidelines designed to avoid common, costly mistakes.

1. Well-balanced mix of designs

Mixes are designed with local materials to be cost-effective while producing pervious concrete that is easily discharged from the mixer with unit weights at +/- 3 PCF, all while not only keeping the mixer cleaner than with regular concrete but also easier to clean up after the delivery.

Let us source the best aggregate for your local project. Simply looking at your stockpile and suggesting the 3/8’s you already have will probably not provide the best solution. We search for a clean ¼” stone with at least 40% voids, typically used in asphalt production.

2. Critical quality control measures

Drivers need to me made aware to reverse their drums and to have no water in them prior to loading pervious concrete.

The batchman needs to know the stone moisture content.

There are certain loading procedures that vary from regular concrete that the batchman and drivers need to know about beforehand.

3. Proper testing methods

There is only one test for acceptance of pervious concrete, ASTM C-1688. We insist that every single load be tested upon delivery to manage any material changes before the concrete hits the ground.

Our goal is to make pervious concrete simple and usable for every member of the project team. We have been involved in hundreds of pervious pours and worked with many concrete producers nationwide and each time CMS has made pervious dependable and profitable.

How Can We Help?

Contact us with any questions.